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Honoring Your Hunger

Today's post is for some of the most important people in our lives...our teachers and school staff.

When we posted and asked for topics regarding back to school this topic was suggested a few times, so we wanted to address it since it involves our beloved teachers! The requests were for tips on how to navigate workrooms that are typically filled with foods that tend to be not as nutrient-dense.

Food is one of the main ways we show our love and gratefulness so it is natural that we would shower them with the gift of food! So how do these teachers enjoy these gifts!? Or should they abstain totally? Where is the balance?

It is a tricky one for me to navigate in just one post(it could easily be 100). And as always, we are only ever just scratching the surface on these topics. But, we want to try and give a little more attention to this topic because it really involves the overall behaviors of mindful/balanced eating. These behaviors could be practiced by everyone at any time--not just teachers navigating workrooms full of back-to-school fun foods!

If the answer is 'yes' to any of these questions- we need to look at our relationship with food. Building a healthy relationship with food takes a lot of work and most likely someone to guide you through the process. And if you suspect a medical condition, such as an eating disorder, we would encourage you to seek medical attention through clinical eating disorder specialists.

Check out our slides for ways to begin finding a balance that makes you feel well and satisfied!

When faced with workrooms filled with these foods of pleasure and fun, take note of how they make you feel. Honor your body's needs, health, AND joy. And a few meal, one food, one day will not throw your health into a tailspin, and remember that we practice for progress, not for perfection, and that we are here to help!

For more individualized ways on how to build a healthier relationship with food, guided practice, and meeting your nutritional needs, sign-up for a FREE discovery call with our link in bio.


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